Proactive engagement

Proactive engagement

The business recognises that by empowering their employees, the management team step up to the challenge to provide consistent good quality communications. 

empulse was designed to support employee engagement and empowers the workforce to be in control regarding the messages they receive. The empulse communication design is based on the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ business process technique used to implement continuous improvement. What gets measured, improves.


Messages are created,
scheduled, reviewed and
targeted to communication channels.

They are personalised and content rich with the addition
of images and clickable links.


Messages are distributed to
the selected communication channels.

Employees read standard messages from the channels
they have subscribed to.


Employees provide message feedback. 

Management review the
empulse Dashboard to understand feedback.

More detailed feedback can
be obtained via Pulse Polls or direct employee contact.


As a result of employee
feedback and metrics
management improve
their communications
where necessary.

Management support
each other by sharing
best practice.


The above process improves the business communications across the whole organisation.

Management Communications Focus

To ensure management step-up to the challenge empulse provides
a management communications report that shows:

  • How many messages have been published in each communication
    channel per month (how active is the channel?)

  • How many employees have read a specific message

  • How many employees have activated a link within a message

  • Communication channels with high and low employee feedback

  • The number of employees that have subscribed / unsubscribed to a channel

  • Employees not registered to any channels

  • Results of any employee communication satisfaction Pulse Polls

The Management Communications report provides visibility to all
of the management team and has two significant benefits:

  1. It motivates all managers to undertake more consistent communications to their teams.

  2. Managers receiving the best employee feedback are doing something right. This can be used to share best practice. 


Making IT Proactive

empulse delivers capabilities that will change the employee’s perception that IT are a reactive organisation and have become a modern, proactive business function. The empulse capabilities are as follows:                 

  1. IT communication channels are created to provide employees with extensive but relevant IT updates.

    An example of IT updates could be:

  • Application upgrades

  • IT advice, hints and tips

  • Scheduled service interrupts

  • Online training

  • IT Service issues and resolution progress

  • IT management briefings

  • IT improvements

  • IT feedback reporting, etc.

  • IT strategy

  • IT employee induction

All of the above provided to employees subscribing to their IT Communication Channels.


2. Employee’s can now register how they feel about IT in real-time. This can be positive or negative feedback and they can select the specific issue from a pre-defined list. It only takes the user a few seconds to report the issue and it is immediately reported on a site heat map, available to the IT department. 

3. The heat map shows all of the site locations and will turn red if a high number of negative feedback is reported in one area. This is a powerful visual early warning aid to IT and they contact the business area to understand the issue further.

4. empulse provides a scheduled IT Service poll. This poll asks the simple question regarding how people Feel about IT. The power is that a high level of user response is achieved.

5. The combination of the pulse polls and the real-time IT feedback provides the IT department with significant feedback that is a much better assessment of how users really feel about their IT Service.   

6. IT report the User satisfaction scores back to the workforce and inform users of their IT service improvement plan.

‘Employee’s feel that their IT is being proactively managed and feel less frustrated’.


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